Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Strange, Difficult Questions CEOs Ask in Job Interviews

Interview questions: Everyone has them. And everyone wishes they had better ones. -

- Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Five Deadliest Networking Mistakes

If you make a bad mistake on the job search, what's the worst that can happen? You might not get the job, and as frustrating as that is, sometimes it's just not meant to happen. So how do you keep your networking nose clean? If you avoid these Five Deadliest Networking Mistakes, you'll be ahead of the game. -

- Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

Monday, August 18, 2014

3 Pre-Interview Confidence Boosters

Does nervousness sabotage your interviews? Here are some quick pre-interview confidence boosters to help you perform better before your next one. -

- Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

Thursday, August 7, 2014

3 Common Reasons For Getting Fired And What You Could Learn From Them

If you’ve ever been fired, it can be traumatic, surprising and even devastating to your life. Often times when someone gets fired, they are not given a specific reason...

- Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

Monday, August 4, 2014

This Might Be Why You Want To Quit

Do you love your job? If so, statistically, you're in the minority. Most workers are satisfied by something other than the pure love of the job. Financial and emotional considerations rank near the top. -

- Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting